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7111 Dorsey Run Rd #106 Elkridge, MD 21075
Our hours are Mon-Friday 6:30am-7pm, Saturday 7am-7pm, Sunday 2pm-7pm
At drop-off each dog is settled in their own kennel with a fresh water bucket and it is refilled multiple times a day. We also completely health check and potty walk each dog prior to putting them into play and upon removing them from play. Each day your dog will begin their day with a potty walk at 6am. Then we feed our boarding dogs at 7am and allow them to digest their food before putting them into play. Boarding dogs may enter the playrooms 2 hours after eating and they play until 4 p.m. Dogs will be served lunch upon request by the owner. They go back to their kennels to rest for one hour before eating. Dinner is served at 6pm and your dog enjoys an evening potty walk before bedtime.
We are happy to accommodate your dog’s special needs. Just ask us about them when you schedule your dog’s boarding stay!
Private training options are available but must be discussed with our trainer
Call our office at 410-348-8119
Email us at
We begin putting dogs into play at 9 a.m. and completely close the playrooms at 5 p.m. At drop-off each dog is settled in a kennel with a fresh water bucket. We then complete a health check and potty walk each dog prior to putting them into play and upon removing them from play. While in play, your dog is monitored by Trainers and Staff. We provide academy sessions and lunch breaks per request.
We only require a reservation for your dog's first day at TK-9. After your dog has been to TK-9, daycare is a convenient drop-off service at your leisure.
We offer Academy Sessions for $15 to help polish your dog's skills while they are at TK-9. Each academy session is led by a highly trained staff member. This service must be requested at drop-off.
Call our office at 410-348-8119
Email us at